Friday, October 21, 2011

Pregnancy Journal: 40 weeks

I am officially OVERDUE!  My due date was originally the 19th, but the birthing center said the 18th, and then this week, I met with the owner of the birthing center and she put me back at the 19th.  Either way, this baby is late!  That is not surprising at all, since I was overdue and induced with both Arin and Ella. 

We did just get home from spending 10 days with our families and I am so happy that I did not go into labor while we were gone, but now that we are back home, I am more than ready to have my baby!  At my forty week prenatal appointment, we saw a bit of progression over my 37 week appointment, which was the only other time I have been checked.  Now I am 2cm dialated and about 30% effaced.  Baby is at 0 station, meaning the midwife could feel her head.  This morning I started showing slight signs of baby coming soon, but that seems to have all fizzled out and so the waiting game continues.  Even though I know that babies rarely come on their due date, it is so hard to be patient!

My back has been hurting a lot over the past couple of weeks and I have been pretty emotional, but otherwise, all is well :)


lusi said...

Oh Cara!!! I've been thinking of you! It won't be long before you get to meet your little princess but I know it is tough when you go over. Praying Yah gives you His peace and patience each day.
Much love!
Lusi x

Michelle Gibson said...

Cara! Did you have baby yet! Thinking of you and praying!!