Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sixteen Months Old

Today, my sweet little Ella turned 16 months old!  She still says only a couple of words, but she signs several words (mama needs to learn more signs so I can teach her more!)  Ella is a climber and has learned how to get herself on and off of beds.  She still likes to get into drawers and cabinets, but is starting to make less messes.  She loves to help me cook and clean.  She has a pink bear that she hugs, carries everywhere, and tries to feed!  This month she has finally started accepting small amounts of diluted juice, though it is still not her favorite.  She still squeals with delight whenever she sees Arin first thing in the morning. They are best friends!


Gidget Girl Reading said...

she is such a cutie!

MommyWise said...

We'll be reading these updates when our kids are in their 20's...crying over them...