Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

I read about a "Labor" Day story on this site. I decided I would play along too. After all, I am about to have "Labor Day" number two very soon!

How long were you in labor?
12 hours

How did you know you were in labor?
The contractions were a dead give away :) Plus, they had started the inducing process about an hour or so before the first contraction hit.

Where did you deliver?
The hospital. I was ten days late already, so my midwife sent me in on a Tuesday night about 5:30 to be induced. It was an unusually busy day in Labor & Delivery so I didn't get in a room until close to 9:00pm. My midwife got there about 9:30pm and started the process with a cervix ripening pill.

Yes. I had every intention of having an "all natural" birth, but that didn't work out. Because I was induced, I had to stay in bed, hooked up to monitors the whole time. It is really hard to work through contractions while sitting. First, I was given the shot in the hit. Then, I was given sleeping pills. Then, I still woke up with the pains, so I opted for the epidural. Good thing too after the extremely tough delievery. I am not even going to pretend that I can do it without drugs this next time. After delivery, I had even more drugs given to me during the stitching process.

No. I was lucky. I pushed for two solid hours. Arin was coming face up and she had the cord wrapped around her neck. I did have an episiotomy and 3rd degree internal tearing :( My midwife had thought Arin would be about 7lbs 12oz. Surprise! She weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 8oz!!!

Who delivered?
My awesome midwife, whom I'm hoping will be able to delivery baby number 2 also!

If you'd like to "play along", copy the questions, post your Labor Day experience, and link up to Rocks in my Dryer.

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