Monday, November 9, 2009

Drawing a Still Life

Yesterday on our nature walk, we found a bottlebrush tree.  We picked a couple of its flowers and brought them home to set in a glass of water overnight.  Today, Arin and I looked a little closer at the plant, talking about its colors and parts.  We also observed that some of the leaves on the plant were larger than others, depending on their location.  Then, we got out our watercolor pencils and watercolor paper.  On a separate piece of paper, I showed Arin how to draw the flower that we were looking at.  Then, she took her turn at drawing.  This was our first time at attempting to draw a still life picture and I think she did a great job. 


Once she was done with her drawing, she painted water over top of it (afterall, that is the fun of using watercolor pencils).

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Fantastic! She's a little artist!