Monday, April 19, 2010

Declutter Challenge: Photo Albums

We have had a crazy week around here.  Both girls have had fevers on and off - Ella seems to be better now, but Arin is still sick.  Also, Andy smashed his thumb at work on Thursday and had surgery on Friday to reconstruct it.  The doctor is expecting a six-week minimum recovery time for it. 

I completed the desired number of items for my declutter challenge eleven months early, however, I still have more stuff that I want to get rid of.  My friend, Ruth, asked me to continue blogging what I get rid of as motivation to her.  I am always willing to help out a friend :)  so I have decided to continue taking pictures and writing about all the junk I am getting rid of!

I didn't have a lot of time to get rid of too much this week with everything else going on here, but I did start to consolidate my picture albums.  I love pictures.  I took somewhere around 3,000 pictures on our road trip - no that's not a typo!  I am extremely grateful for digital cameras because I do not have to print out all of those pictures.  But I do have a lot of pictures from before digital picture days.  I had several albums that were either partially full, or had pictures from when I was in school of people that I can't even remember their names, so I decided to fill in empty pages and toss pictures!  In the end, I came up with five picture albums to get rid of!  (one is not pictured because I took the picture yesterday, but just got rid of the album today)

Things decluttered from our home: 507

1 comment:

Joyful Learner said...

How do you do it? I have a hard time parting with two and books. But you've inspired me to just do it!