Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Red Light, Green Light

Arin has an obsession with traffic lights. Everytime we are in the car and she sees a red light, she says "Stop, Mama!" and when she sees a green light, she says "Go, Mama!" So today we made our own traffic light.

First, I had Arin color a piece of paper with different shades of yellow, a second piece of paper with different shades of green, and a third paper with different shades of red. I let Arin pick the order that she wanted to color.

Next, I cut circles out of those colored papers and I drew three circles on a white paper. In the first cirle, I wrote RED, the second I wrote YELLOW and the third I wrote GREEN. Then I attached a magnet to each cut out circle and a magnet to each drawn circle. I had Arin match the correct colored circle to the correct drawn circle. She was less than impressed with this game!

So I decided to pull the magnets back off the papers (to save these for a better project) and we glued the circles instead. This was the first time that Arin had used regular white glue.

1 comment:

ange said...

I love the little bows in Arin's hair.. SO CUTE!!!