Monday, January 23, 2012

29 Memories

I saw this idea on my friend, Abigail's blog, and I knew right away that I wanted to borrow it for Andrew's birthday.  I sent a request to all of our family and mutual friends on Facebook, asking that they send in a memory or a few memories of Andrew (from any time in his life).  I wanted to fill 29 envelopes with these memories.  I ended up having 22 people participate in this project, but because some people sent in more than one memory, I was able to fill all 29 envelopes with at least one memory.  I didn't give people very much notice with this project, so most emailed me the memories, but we also received a few handwritten memories.  Andrew got memories from some of his family, some of mine, an old college buddy, and a few family friends.  The memories brought him back to a few moments that he had previously forgotten about and there were some memories that we speak of often.  There were LOTS of laughs.  Andrew really enjoyed this project.  Thank you to everyone that too the time to participate and make Andy's day even more special and thank you to Abigail for the idea!

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